waitForMessage in thread always time-out
I'm implementing a node that is managing multiple controllers for my robot so I want to have the following behavior: - the controllerManager node publish on a "control/manager/tick" topic. - On...
View ArticleROS executable without Boost dependency
Is it possible to create a ROS executable (where the executable is a target of type `executable` within a CMakeLists.txt which is created with catkin and the c++ files include `ros/ros.h`) that does...
View Articlecv_bridge.boost error
I am trying to create a ROS wrapper for caffe2 (Ros Kinetic, opencv version-3.4.1) and I get the following error: [ERROR] [1532132328.463265]: bad callback: > Traceback (most recent call last): File...
View ArticleUbuntu 14.04 Install ROS Indigo with Boost 1.64/1.67
I am on Ubuntu 14.04 and I would like to install ROS Indigo but with a small difference. On Ubuntu 14.04 the `libboost-dev` and `libboost-all-dev` are linked to `libboost1.54-dev` and...
View ArticlePublisher gives segmentation fault unless message is defined in a "parent scope"
Hi, A peculiar bug occurred while making a simple listener/publisher for a visualization application. I am using boost::function to pass a lambda-function; which might be a bit odd, but I do not see...
View ArticleInternal ROS errors: BOOST, deduction failure
I'm currently building a ROS Behavior Tree controlling unit, using the library ROS-Behavior-Tree. But I'm still very new to C++ and ROS, and I have no clue what this error message tries to tell me: In...
View ArticleCalling a callback function in a class method with multiple arguments
Hi, I have a callback function as a class method in a nodelet. While the callback function had a single argument void nodelet_class::ReceiveA1(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& image) this is how I...
View ArticleCatkin finding wrong version of Boost
I recently tried switching a workspace to build an install space and it fails due to a Boost configuration issue (threading disabled). On further inspection, I saw that CMake was actually building...
View ArticleROS for windows errors with ROS commands: boost_filesystem not found
Windows ROS command line tools fails with error message: "The code execution cannot proceed because boost_filesystem-vc141-mt-x64-1_66.dll was not found..."
View ArticleChange the C++ compiller in ROS to use with openACC and CUDA
I'm trying to compile a rospackage with the PGI compiler that uses [openACC](https://developer.nvidia.com/openacc). I want to parallelize some code. This works with standard c++ code and uses the pgcc...
View Articleroscpp message_filters Approximate Time - compiling error
Hi I try to synchronize two topics with the Approximate Time class of the message_filters package. I started with the package-example code from the documentation and adapted it to my purpose. Here is...
View Articlerviz crashes with tf2, never happen before
Hi, Suddenly rviz crashes on my laptop today. I ran `gdb` to backtrace the crash and it shows that it has something to do with `tf2` and `boost` libraries. Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation...
View ArticleConverting ros::Time to boost ptime with nanosecond resolution
Hi, I wanted to convert ros::Time to boost ptime and found this answer: https://answers.ros.org/question/251966/conversion-from-ros-timestamp-to-iso-8601-time-format/?answer=251967#post-id-251967 It...
View ArticleUnderstanding registerCallback() from TF MessageFilter tutorial
I'm going through the TF [MessageFilter tutorial](http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Tutorials/Using%20Stamped%20datatypes%20with%20tf%3A%3AMessageFilter) and I understand the code except for line 13:...
View Articlecan't find boost after upgrade from indigo to kinetic
Dear all, I've recently upgraded my machine from 14.04 to 16.04. After a fresh install of ros-kinetic-desktop-full, when I type `roscd` and a few tab I get the following error: rospack: error while...
View Articleerror at catkin_make_installation at installation
ROS Version: Melodic Morenia OS: MAC OS MOJAVE Following the instructions at http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installation/OSX/Homebrew/Source getting the following error: Command Executed:...
View ArticleHow to include "cvd/thread.h" hearder from boost?
Hello, I'm Kim. I'm using ROS1 Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. I clone this [project](https://github.com/ros-visualization/visualization_tutorials). And I checked out the `kinetic-devel` branch on it. I got...
View ArticleA myriad of libboost errors caused in tf or ros::param::get due to std::tuple...
Ubuntu 16.04 ROS Kinetic DPKG states libboost1.58 for all libraries, catkin_make states libboost 1.50 Very recently I decided to clear /build and /devel and rebuild my workspace. A large list of boost...
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